lunes, 17 de agosto de 2009


Este es el Seat 124D de la Guardia Civil de Tráfico de 1977.

La escala es 1/43.

4 comentarios:

lorenzo721 dijo...

As you let a very kind message on my own page, the least I can do is to congratulate you back for your very interesting blog. :)

A very nice Seat you have here; it's the first time I see this model so could I ask who made it?

manuel dijo...

In this web site you can watch the whole collection about spanish policemen cars. The others collections.

The quality is IXO. Each car costs 12 euros (15 $)

Look for these cars in Ebay.

lorenzo721 dijo...

Thanks a lot for all the details and the link! I used to visit the Spanish site of Altaya from time to time, but didn't do it in a long time as my budget is rather limited right now and I avoid any cause of frustration. :) I ruled out that it could be an Ixo/Altaya as I didn't recognize either Ixo's 124 mould or Altaya's traditional stand, and as until now police cars series were generally a De Agostini specialty. So I got it all wrong!

José António dijo...

Primeiro quero agradecer a sua visita e elogio ao meu blog Quatro Rodinhas. Em segundo lugar quer dizer que o seu blog e a sua colecção de miniaturas também estão espectaculares.
Muito bom!
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